Bookmarklets I Use Daily

Adam Hearn, browser

Tip: Drag the bookmarklet above the code blocks into your bookmark bar.


I find myself frequently referencing Sci-Hub, even if the full text is available due to the quality of the paper is generally higher than the free one. This bookmarklet will automatically load paper at a given URL in Sci-Hub. Written by me.


function() {
window.location = "" + window.location;

Playback Speed

Ever find yourself stuck on an extremely boring or slow video with no playback controls? This bookmarklet lets you input a speed for the video to be played at. Works with most sites, even youtube. Partially written by me.

Playback Speed

function() {
.forEach(vid => vid.playbackRate = prompt("Enter a Playback Speed"));

PDF Invert

This bookmarklet is great for reading with less eye fatigue at night. Generally I prefer black text on a white background, but sometimes this is quite useful. Written by a Hacker News reader.


PDF Invert

function() { = 'filter: grayscale(1) invert(1) sepia(1) contrast(75%)';

Base64 Decode

While online decoding works for most use cases, it is extremely convenient to be able to decode B64 strings offline.

B64 Decode

function() {
alert(atob(prompt("Input the Base64 text:")));
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